28 September 2009

An Introduction to SE Hinton

The Outsiders (1967) was S.E. Hinton´s first novel. That was then, this is now was published only 4 years later. To understand the characters, the setting and the "unwritten rules" of society in That was then, this is now, we must first begin with the story she tells in The Outsiders.


24 September 2009

Teen Spirit

A teenager is defined as someone between the ages of 13 and 19....but who are you really?

Recently the counselor worked with you to determine your learning style.
What style were you?
Do you believe this is a good analysis of who you are?


23 September 2009

The Wilderness Trip

Last week you went on your Wildnerness Trip...
Tell me about it! Did you have fun? What did you learn?
Do you think it was a good experience for you personally and for 1y?

14 September 2009


Today we are talking about character traits and adjectives that describe one's mood.
As you listen to this song, write down all the words you can think of that are SYNONYMS with the word "happy".
"Don't worry...it's easy.... " :-)


10 September 2009

Forever Young

What part of growing up scares or worries you the most?

09 September 2009

High School Never Ends

Some parts of high school are great, but others are the parts you want to forget. However, we find that the things we do in high school have made their way into society and into adult lives. One of those things is bullying. How did it become so "normal"? Why do people do it? Have you ever been bullied or been the bullier? Have you ever stood around while someone else was being bullied, but did nothing to stop it? Why or why not? Does "high school" really ever end?!?