Culminating Writing Assignment- a Persuasive Paper Of Mice and Men
Now that you have completed the novella, you should have a clear understanding about the events leading up to the death of Lennie. If Lennie had gone to trial for what he did, perhaps he would have been found innocent, on the grounds of a lack of mental competence Do you believe that George made the right decision? Was this a mercy killing? Was George justified? Or is George a murderer?
In this writing assignment we are putting George on trial for murdering Lennie. You are to take the position of either the prosecuting attorney or the attorney for George´s defense. This writing assignment represents your “closing arguments” to the jury as this is the time when a lawyer gives a final summary of his case and has his best efforts at persuading the jury to his side. Watch this example of an attorney's closing arguments to give you some ideas of how to convince the jury that YOUR side represents the truth.....
Your first step is to decide what side you will represent. Next begin to construct your case based on the description of persuasive writing below.
Persuasive writing, also known as the argument essay, utilizes logic and reason to show that one idea is more legitimate than another idea. It attempts to persuade a reader to adopt a certain point of view or to take a particular action. The argument must always use sound reasoning and solid evidence by stating facts, giving logical reasons, using examples, and quoting experts (as appropriate).
Note: Make sure that you cite all references, experts, or facts that you include.
Your essay should be be NO LESS than 2 pages and NO MORE than 3.
Your introductory paragraph will present your side and your concluding paragraph will make one final statement that really solidifies your case. The body paragraph(s) will be where you present the persuasive arguments and evidence that support your stance.