27 August 2009


We have many photographs of our "growing up". Some are actual photos, and others are just imprinted in our minds. What photo comes to mind as the most memorable in the last 16 (or 17) years? Where were you? Were you happy? What were you doing?

26 August 2009

Role of Parents

A very important component of "growing up" is the role of the parent. What role do your parents play in your life? Are they examples for you to follow? Are they guards watching your every move? Are they friends who you like to hang out with? Are they counselors to whom you can tell anything? Or is your relationship something totally different?

Will Smith says that "parents just don't understand"....what do you think?


20 August 2009

Reality of growing up

Coldplay"Viva la Vida"
The song's Spanish title, "Viva la Vida", is taken from a painting by 20th century Mexican artist Frida Kahlo. It translates into English as "long live life"....

When you are a kid, it is easy to think about life as this great big thing awaiting us, full of wonder and excitement. However, as we grow up, the wonder and amazement can turn to reality and even disappointment.Where are you on this journey? Is life still fun and free or have you already experienced the realities associated with growing up?

16 August 2009

Journal is a verb???

Each class you will hear a song (and perhaps see a video) that has some connection to what we are currently studying. Your task is to listen to the song and RESPOND.... Sometimes I will give you a question to think about, but other times, you will just write whatever comes to mind as you hear the song. Do not worry about spelling, grammar, or anything mechanical. Just write.... Just say what you feel like saying...